CS Projects
Backend for Personal Website
This project uses Express, Node.js's backend framework, to create APIs that handle various calls from the frontend of my personal website. So far it handles the calls to github to retrieve my projects, and calls the Star Wars API, using the Axios module.
Astrology Website
Website designed with React, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, and will soon utilize elements from my backend which uses Express. It allows users to enter their birthday and retrieves information about their star sign, a "horoscope" which will be added later, and updates the colors based on each sign.
Grocery List Organizer
Website designed with HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript to create a shopping list that is organized by whatever categories you would like. You can choose to organize by aisle or by section of the store. You can add items to each category, along with the amount you need to buy, and the price that it will cost. There is also a total at the bottom of the page. The list is editable or can be deleted.
React project for interview
React Project for interview. Utilizes react-router-dom to create a single-page application (SPA) that acts like a multi-page application (MPA). It loads all content from a json file. The technologies used are React, HTML, SASS, CSS, and JavaScript.
Mobile App for creating favorite locations
My Locations is a mobile app, developed in Android Studio, using the programming language Kotlin. It uses a Google Maps API to allow a user to create markers on a map. These markers store information about their favorite locations.
(Deprecated) Robert's personal website
This website shows my knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP, and MySQL. Javascript libraries include Baguettebox, Owl.Carousel, JQuery, underscore, and more. It contains an about me section, it pulls all of my projects from Github using their rest API, my resume, two different methods for displaying photos, a contact page that stores all messages in a MySQL database, and a message page that displays all of those messages from the database.
A simplified version of a shell terminal.
The minishell is a project from my Unix class. It involved making a program that was a very simplified version of bash or shell terminal. It execs programs, does shell expansion, pipelining, redirection, has builtin library calls and more. How to use: Type "make" on the commandline to compile the necessary files. Type "./msh" or "./msh filename.extension" to run program with or without files. Type "exit" to exit the program. Type "make clean" outside of the program to remove excess files from directory.
2D Side Scroller Game
It is a 2D game I created in my Game programming class that uses the pygame module in Python. How to use: install pygame module to run, pip install pygame should work in terminal
Interview challenge
This was a test by a company that I interviewed with. It required accessing an external api, loading a small amount of data at a time, and displaying more information if asked for. I tried to style it after the companies brand.
Website to help you make easier choices
Website designed with React, HTML5, and CSS3 to create a decision wheel application. It allows the user to add their own decision items. The user can then choose to hide or delete those items from the wheel. All items are added to localStorage, so they will be saved for future use.